"SECURES-Met - A European wide meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling (supply and demand) for historical climate and climate change projections
Herbert Formayer, Philipp Maier, Imran Nadeem, David Leidinger, Fabian Lehner, Franziska Schöniger, Gustav Resch, Demet Suna, Peter Widhalm, Nicolas Pardo-Garcia, Florian Hasengst, & Gerhard Totschnig. (2023). SECURES-Met - A European wide meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling (supply and demand) for historical climate and climate change projections (1.0.0) [Data set]. Die Zukunft der Energiemärkte in Europa vor dem Hintergrund neuer geopolitischer Ungleichgewichte (IEWT 2023), Vienna, Austria. Zenodo."
Demet Suna, Gustav Resch, Franziska Schöniger, Florian Hasengst, Nicolas Pardo-Garcia, Gerhard Totschnig, Peter Widhalm, Herbert Formayer, Philipp Maier, David Leidinger, Imran Nadeem: Securing Austria’s Electricity Supply in Times of Climate Change. Published in Publication “Climate.Changes.Security. - 2nd updated Edition - Navigating Climate Change and Security Challenges in the OSCE Region. ISBN: 978-3-903359-76-5, June 2024”
Formayer, H. & Maier, P.: Behind the Paper: On the role of resolution and population weighting on temperature indicators in mountainous regions in our SECURES-Met dataset.
Formayer, H., Nadeem, I., Leidinger, D. et al. SECURES-Met: A European meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling applications. Sci Data 10, 590 (2023).